✨ Sunshine Blogger Award ✨

I would like to take a moment to pay a very big thank you to Jermena at Jermena’s World, for her thoughtful nomination! Go now, check out her phenomenal blog, you will not be disappointed, it is such a treat to read her work! Thank you, my dear friend for this special acknowledgment. Your nomination, continued encouragement, and support mean the world to me! You’ve made my year!

I am beyond honored to be a nominee for The Sunshine Blogger Award!!!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.
FrailSafe - Q&A
Hhhmmm, I wonder…

Jermena asked me some great questions and here are my answers:

  1. Have you ever been in Love before, a romantic Love. If yes, mention one word you would use to describe the feeling. Elation
  2. What is that one thing you Loved the most about that significant other? Thoughtfulness
  3. Which animal in the Universe, would best describe you and Why? A hummingbird. As my Grandma Lowe used to say: Cuz I’m tiny, fast, and love sugar! All true! BAHAHA
  4. If you were given a chance to time travel, who from history would you want to meet and why? Personally, I would want to meet Emily Dickinson because she is my favorite poet! I would love to sit and discuss the meanings and intentions behind her poems, ask her why in the hell she didn’t title any of them (that doesn’t bother me at all 🙄) and knowing what she knows now, if she would live her life differently. Perhaps, if she would publish her work or not be so reclusive.
  5. What would you tell your younger self if you met? Seriously, girl. Slow down and STOP stressing so much! Learn to let go, if you do, it will save you copious amounts of time, money, and spare you considerable heartache. Don’t just talk about meditation…practice mindfulness and meditation every single day. Trust me it is worth it!
  6. Do you believe in God? If Yes, by what would you share your convictions of his existence? I do believe in God. I am a huge proponent of the idea that God means many things, in many different contexts, and goes by many names. For me, God is everywhere and he is a precious presence within. Respecting others’ beliefs is an integral part of my heart’s conviction that I hold very dear, which is why I also believe in the possibilities of other forms of God’s existence beyond my own.
  7. If you were the government, what would you change about your country? UGH, PUHLEASE! Don’t even get me started! The list is infinite…
  8. Which is your favourite colour? In your own words, describe it in relation to anything in the world. E.g Green. The shades in my dress were as dense as a tropical rainforest. Pink! Pink has always been a favorite site in my skies during every sunset or sunrise.
  9. Is there a certain character/Personality that people mistake you with? If yes, which one. Preppy, popular, bouncy cheerleader, sorority girl, trust fund baby. At times, I’ve been known to be a bit bouncy and I will admit, mea culpa, I always wanted to be a cheerleader but was not allowed to be one.
  10. What is that one thing you would like to experience before you leave this world? SKYDIVING
  11. How old were you when you had your first crush? 8 years old. Brian Crawford (RIP)
drum roll energy | Drums, Drums roll, Daft punk

My Nominees are:

  1. DiosRaw
  2. Timothy Price
  3. Sir Peter James
  4. Grace of the Sun
  5. John Coyote
  6. Aaysid
  7. Sophia Dane
  8. Poet of the Light
  9. Sam Sahana
  10. The Hot Goddess
  11. Caramel

Eleanor’s Questions for the Above Nominees

  1. Do you think free will exists? If yes, please explain why and the role it plays in the world.
  2. In your opinion, does weed, overall, have more of a positive or negative impact? In other words, does it do more harm than good or the other way around?
  3. If you could live in any era which would it be and why?
  4. What is your favorite quote of all time and why that one?
  5. Pick one of the worst events in history. If it were possible to change or prevent it, would you? Why?
  6. Should euthanasia be a legal option for all if the law was written with great care and consideration?
  7. Why does evil exist in the world?
  8. What is your superpower (AKA Your Greatest Strength)?
  9. Who do you think is currently one of the most influential individuals in showbiz? Why?
  10. How do you like your eggs? Do you think your preference reflects your personality?
  11. Are Myers-Briggs Personality Types all their cracked up to be?


    1. Thank you, hun! I’m really happy to hear you like the Q&A because I put a lot of thought into it. You are most welcome! GraceoftheSun was a no brainer nominee, appropriate — given how you bring so much sunshine to our blogging community!

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  1. Congratulations. I love your answers. You’re tiny? I would not have guessed. Too bad you weren’t allowed to be a cheerleader. I was in marching band before I dropped out of high school. We would go to out of town football games on buses. The marching back was large, with 275 members. They never got enough buses for all the band members, so I would end up on the bus with the cheerleaders. That was so much more fun than the band buses. You should book a skydive. Normally I don’t participate in awards. However, I do make exceptions about answering the questions. You have excellent and thought provoking questions, so I will dedicate a post to answering your questions.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed them. I cannot wait to hear your responses! BAHAHA yeah, I think I would’ve made a good cheerleader! 😉 What instrument did you play? Oh, you poor lamb…had to kick it in the back with the ladies. LMAO You know, I really should stop talking about it and NIKE this! JUST DO IT!

      Thank you for making an exception for me. I’m so touched and greatly anticipate your answers! I put a lot of thought into them. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I pretended to play the trombone. I was drum major for awhile. “Band fall in!” Ugh! You can’t imagine how much I hated high school. Riding on the bus with the cheerleaders was the only high point. It’s funny how friends used to question my sexual orientation because I danced. Boys and men can be such buffoons. I said “Look, dudes! While you are sitting around talking about girls and jerking off, I’m holding them in my arms, locking thighs with them, whirling them around, lifting them off the ground, and having a great time. Call me a whatever all you want, but you are the ones hanging out and playing with each other!”

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  2. Congratulations on the well-deserved nomination!! I’m so so happy for you 🥳 I loved all your answers and the questions were all so wonderful. The One about God is a personal favourite 🤍 Thanks tonnes and tonnes for nominating me! I truly appreciate it.
    Wishing you many many more awards in the future. 💖🎊

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow Lorene!
    This was incredible…
    Those answers were a whole vibe!
    I most especially loved 3, 7 and 8.
    As for 7, 🤣🤣🤣🤣 am very frustrated by my home government right now and I could use the humour believe me!
    You answered 8 very prettily😁👏🏿👏🏿
    Am very curious about the nominees’ answers to it. My initial example was something to do with sunsets too but there’s no way Green fits into Sunsets🤣🤣🤣🤣 so I let it pass.
    And your questions, they are a whole mood. I hope to look at the nominees’ answers.

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, well, well, why am I not surprised you received this award – After all, you deserve it! Firstly, congratulations, and secondly I am flattered you placed me on your nominations list, thank you. I shall do the list and as Tim says ( a truly excellent idea) shall publish a post on it, with a link to your site.
    Regretfully, I am not able to go further than that Eleanor; simply because of the time element. I care for someone who is receiving chemo and the effects are unimaginable, as a result, time is scarce and it is where my priority lies. Blessings, Peter.

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    1. Peter, I totally understand the time constraints. It takes a very strong and a very special individual to take care of someone that sick. I’m sorry to hear that someone in your life is going through that. I will keep you and this person in my prayers, my friend. XOXO, Eleanor

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  5. Congratulations! ☺️ I enjoyed reading your responses (especially to question #3). Have you read the historical fiction novel Emily’s House by Amy Belding Brown? I read it over the summer because I also share the love of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read, but it was enjoyable and interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rapunzel! I am pleased you enjoyed them. Oh my, yes! I have, indeed! I concur, not the best but very interesting. I am so happy to connect with a fellow Dickinson lover! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and make such a thoughtful comment.I look forward to hearing more from you. 😉

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      1. You’re very welcome! I’ve been enjoying reading your blog (especially the poetry), and will continue to follow! As for the book, I agree…it was at least interesting enough to finish. Happy Friday Eve! ☺️

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