A Rose 🌹 Locked in Amber

A rose inlaid perfectly, preserved for perpetuity

In all its gracious glory

Sealed in nature’s locket, a million years old

A blessing more precious than gold

Locked in Amber for an eternity

This ancient resin, what a sweet strong rarity

Beauty hardening under heat and pressure

Becoming a transparent wonder

Unknowingly encapsulating a perfect bloom

Snapshots of the past protected within and promises of a future anew

Cherished, silent, and still the Amber

Wills its Infinite delight

Enchanted art in paralyzing bliss

Is a rose that will never lose its petals again

A quality befitting a diadem 👑


  1. WHOA. I really like this one. I wish I could articulate why, but I find I am pleasantly stunned to the point where I can’t describe why. I suppose because it feels like it could be metaphor for some kind of character trait. And rather beautiful imagery whether it’s metaphor or not.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Gotta love getting WHOA’s! 😉
      Thank you! Like with any piece I write, almost always have something specific in mind, though I try very hard to make it freely accessible and applicable to a multitude of situations and to a myriad of people. I write because it helps me cope but I deeply and desperately want to reach others and if I can, help them cope as well. Not trying to sound like God’s gift to the writing world or some literary Mother Teresa, I really want my words to resonate with others. Like I said in Prolific Passions…that post really encompasses why I write and how special almost sacred a thing it is to me.
      Sometimes I worry about my writing style, being mysterious is mistaken for ambiguity and can be a turn off. Too much metaphorical language can do the same.

      I feel like I should give credit where credit is due. I learn from the best when it comes to imagery. In my humble opinion, no one does beautiful imagery better than Emily Dickinson. I devour her work, even her letters.

      I appreciate your comments. They help encourage me to keep going to keep writing. Thank you, Melissa. ❤️

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      1. I’m glad to tell you when something you write inspires me :). I loved Emily Dickinson in high school English. I do need to revisit her writing soon. She had this poem that knocked my socks off when I was 17. I hadn’t thought of her again until now but I think I will revisit her soon. I don’t find ambiguity to be a turn-off. I think people who would find ambiguity a turnoff are probably boring people.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my, how glorious this piece is, the eloquently articulated words resonate and the imagination runs wild with imagery and meaning yet with ambiguity and familiarity. 🌹🙏🏻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. See! Yes! It worked! Thank you! Though it’s short, it took me a week to write, a little bit each day. I wanted to nail it. Check out my first long response above. I think it explains my intentions and my work in general.

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