Written in the Stars

Your true beauty discovered

Your work attributed

Your passion realized

Your talent showcased in the bright light

I am grateful and content to be written in the stars tonight


      1. Kind is questionable. As I mentioned to Dale the other day when she said I was kind, I’m known as the “Timinator” and a curmudgeon. I do have a soft spot for intelligence, wit and beauty, qualities you and Dale have in abundance.

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  1. Hello Eleanor, you are indeed a wordsmith. Your precious verse is true of the saying: ‘Little is much.’ I know what it is like to lie on my back in the wee hours of the dawn and gaze up at the gem-studded sky. Many miles from city lights amongst the great mountains of the Drakensberg. (Mountains of the Dragon – peaking at 11,400 ft.) In this brief sojourn, you transported me back to those wonderful times in my life. BTW thank you for the follow on my spiritual site, I’m honored.

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    1. My dear friend, it is good to hear from you. Thank you for the compliment. I love when people share with me how my work has affected them. I am so happy to know that I could transport you back to this gorgeous memory. Sounds beautifully mesmerizing. You are most welcome, glad to read more of your work! XOXO, Eleanor


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