Ask Yourself

Ask yourself this simple question.

Your answers ~ I’d really like to know. Here’s mine…

Pieces of Poetry are pieces of a Soul

Like grains of sparkling sand

A key to a world unknown

So many different stories

So many different feelings

So many different ways to show

✨ The way a Soul can grow and glow ✨

We’ve Got Questions! You’ve Got Answers! Download a New Question Image Each Week and Collect Them All!



  1. Poetry expresses many things we cannot layout as plain thoughts, words or deeds. Poetry allows us to mask reality in mysterious verse, soften hard realities, drive home points that need to be made. We can expose our deepest secrets, friendly or foul, in abstruse rhymes and mysterious lines left to the reader to unfold, and decode. Poetry is an avenue to express our feelings about life and death, love and rejection, freedom and oppression, faithfulness and unfaithfulness, sexuality and abstinence, belief and unbelief, good and evil. Through poetry we can express all the symptoms, right and wrong, of being human.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Wow! Really great comment! I so loved it all! Super answer! Would you be so kind as to turn this into a post on your blog and after you do send me a link ( to it so I can share this great answer/message with my followers!!

      For me poetry is important because unlike prose it uses all the specialized tools that have proved so useful down through the ages to reach out to the readers heart and soul and make you go – Mmmmm!
      Please do turn your comment above into a post on your blog!
      Chuck 😁✨🎁✨👍

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Chuck. Poetry does make one’s heart and soul go Mmmm! I shall post a photo with my answer for you to share. It might be tonight given we are smoked in from the outside by distant fires.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. sand the grain
    on the shore
    less is more
    wide washed
    it may come to pass
    and it cuts
    like a knife
    your wielded fife is
    and i know
    do not tell ellie what to do

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I fell in love with expression, the ability to communicate in a way that no other could. It started with roses are red in my grade school. Later it became therapeutic in the sense, some could not handle what was on my mind and I also couldn’t and needed to make sense of it. On paper, I could better analyze what I was thinking or the thoughts that enter into my mind.
    Furthermore, poetry is an art form.

    Liked by 1 person

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